How do I become a member?Use our Contact link.
Select Membership under Email Piqua Kiwanis.
Information will be emailed to you.
Prefer a call? Indicate that in your Message.
Is lunch available?Lunch is available upon request
by Monday prior to a Wednesday meeting.
Contact Kelly Meckstroth to request lunch.
Phone - (491) 348-4329
Email - kmeckstroth@trio-healthcare.com
Pancake Grill RentalLarge, rotating pancake grills rent for $100 per grill.
Batter dispensers are available for rent at $10 each.
Use our Contact link.
Select Grill Rental under Email Piqua Kiwanis.
Information will be emailed to you.
Prefer a call? Indicate that in your Message.
These grills are a great way to enhance any pancake fundraiser!
When does Kiwanis meet?We meet on Wednesdays from 12 to 1pm.
NO meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
Use our Home link for current meeting details.
Where does Kiwanis meet?We meet at the YWCA at 418 N. Wayne St. in Piqua
unless otherwise stated on our Home page
under Scheduled Meetings.